This calculator finds the percentage decrease from one value to another. Provide two numbers, hit the calculate button and it will return the decrease from the start and end number in terms of percent.
How to Calculate Percent Decrease
Use the following steps to calculate percentage decrease from two values:
- Subtract start value from end value
- Divide the result by the start value
- Multiply the result by 100
Percentage Decrease Formula
This is the mathematical formula for percent decrease where S is the start value, F is the end value and R is the decrease in percent:
R = (S - F) / S * 100
Percent Decrease Example
The example below demonstrates getting the percentage decrease from 60 to 35.
35 - 60 = -25 -25 / 35 = -0.71 -0.71 * 100 = -71
The decrease from 60 to 35 is 71%.