Conversions Decimal to Binary

Decimal to Binary

This tool converts base ten numbers into their binary code representation. For example, decimal 10 becomes 1010 when put through our converter.

To begin, enter your numbers into the first box – alternatively, select a text file containing your number – then hit the "convert" button. Your binary will appear in the second box, where you can copy it using the small copy icon on the left or download a .txt file.

Decimal Binary Conversion Chart

Decimal Binary
0 0
1 1
2 10
3 11
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
8 1000
9 1001
10 1010
11 1011
12 1100
13 1101
14 1110
15 1111
16 10000
17 10001
18 10010
19 10011
20 10100
21 10101
22 10110
23 10111
24 11000
25 11001
26 11010
27 11011
28 11100
29 11101
30 11110
31 11111
32 100000
33 100001
34 100010
35 100011
36 100100
37 100101
38 100110
39 100111
40 101000
41 101001
42 101010
43 101011
44 101100
45 101101
46 101110
47 101111
48 110000
49 110001