How to Convert Kelvin to Celsius
1 kelvin (°K) is equal to -272.15 celsius (°C).
1 °K = -272.15 °C
To calculate the value of kelvin °K in celsius °C multiply by -272.15
°C = °K × -272.15
Kelvin to Celsius Conversion Chart
Kelvin (°K) | Celsius (Int) | Celsius (°C) |
1 | -272 | -272.15 |
2 | -271 | -271.15 |
3 | -270 | -270.15 |
4 | -269 | -269.15 |
5 | -268 | -268.15 |
6 | -267 | -267.15 |
7 | -266 | -266.15 |
8 | -265 | -265.15 |
9 | -264 | -264.15 |
10 | -263 | -263.15 |
20 | -253 | -253.15 |
30 | -243 | -243.15 |
40 | -233 | -233.15 |
50 | -223 | -223.15 |
60 | -213 | -213.15 |
70 | -203 | -203.15 |
80 | -193 | -193.15 |
90 | -183 | -183.15 |
100 | -173 | -173.15 |