Random US Phone Number

(727) 852 6470
Clearwater, Florida (FL)
(408) 646 6750
Gilroy, California (CA)
(409) 770 9673
Beaumont, Texas (TX)
(209) 746 8795
Lodi, California (CA)
(886) 768 9428
None, None (None)
(818) 396 2941
Agoura Hills, California (CA)

This generator creates random US phone numbers according to rules of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). To begin, select a state or leave it set to "random" to get numbers from anywhere across the United States. Hit the "calculate" button and a new set of random phone numbers will appear along with their city and state location.

Note – the numbers made with this generator may or may not be real, active numbers - it use uses the NANP rules along with official area codes; to know if a number is real it needs to be verified.